Friday, May 16, 2014

My name is Julian Benabides, although my books say J. D. Benabides on their covers.
I'm passionate about two things right now: writing and traveling. Sure, I enjoy photography and teaching as well- but when you talk about a passion- something that starts a fire in you that you just can't contain, it really comes down to two things. Writing. And Traveling.

The First Boy Who Was BrokenSo I'm making this blog to pass on my knowledge, share my embarrassing stories, and hopefully entertain a couple people out there. I'd love to offer some travel tips for those who don't want to get scammed, and those who are looking for the courage to take a chance on adventure. I'd also love to give some advice to the young author who, more than anything, just wants to see his/her name on the cover of a book.

People advise against mixing interests in your blogs; they say to limit your blog to just one thing. But I honestly think that writing and traveling have a lot in common. Traveling (By traveling I mean: $3 hostels, backpacking, sharing your bed with strangers you just met on the bus) and writing both involve a great sense of adventure and discovery. They both push you to be better than what you are right now. They both require a good deal of dedication. And they will both drive you to HATE them at times. (If Writing and Traveling were people, I'd love them about 80% of the time, and want to strangle them about 5% of the time. The other 15% we'd just be friends.)

So join me on my travels, follow me as I write books, and just remember- you're awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed the notes. I will be looking for more items on your blog?

