Sunday, June 14, 2015

Crocodiles, Tai Chi, and Gambling! Shanghai in pictures

People in Shanghai like their pets. A lot. They even give them funky hair styles. I think this one is supposed to be a lion.

People in Shanghai sell interesting things. Here are some reptiles. There were snakes, alligators, and turtles, all of which smelled really bad.

Here's a man selling goldfish. Or stealing them. I don't really know.

Young people in Shanghai mostly just smoke cigarettes, but older people like to stay healthy. Here's a woman doing Tai Chi. I think.

People in Shanghai (just men) like to gamble. A lot. I actually can't leave my apartment complex without passing a group of men huddled around some cards and a stack of cash. (Not an exaggeration) They gamble on park benches.

The gamble on the sidewalk.

They gamble on OTHER benches.

And they gamble while leaving their kids in the car. Or, scooter, I guess.

Shanghai has a lot of pollution in the air. I often have to wear a face mask, and some parts of the city I can't even go to because it hurts my lungs to walk around. I went to the top of subway line 6 and got a headache from the power-plant fumes. One (the only?) upside to this is that you get some pretty dramatic sunsets- as the sunlight plays off all the shit in the air.  


 More eye candy

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