My name is Julian Benabides, although my books say J. D. Benabides on their covers.
I'm passionate about two things right now: writing and traveling. Sure, I enjoy photography and teaching as well- but when you talk about a passion- something that starts a fire in you that you just can't contain, it really comes down to two things. Writing. And Traveling.

People advise against mixing interests in your blogs; they say to limit your blog to just one thing. But I honestly think that writing and traveling have a lot in common. Traveling (By traveling I mean: $3 hostels, backpacking, sharing your bed with strangers you just met on the bus) and writing both involve a great sense of adventure and discovery. They both push you to be better than what you are right now. They both require a good deal of dedication. And they will both drive you to HATE them at times. (If Writing and Traveling were people, I'd love them about 80% of the time, and want to strangle them about 5% of the time. The other 15% we'd just be friends.)
So join me on my travels, follow me as I write books, and just remember- you're awesome.
Enjoyed the notes. I will be looking for more items on your blog?